When creating referral campaigns from scratch, you can choose to deliver the messages via email, text message, or QR code / custom link. We'll guide you through how to configure campaigns for each delivery method.
Don't currently have integrated referrals in your Hireology subscription? Click here to get started!
In this article we will cover:
- Creating a Referral Campaign From Scratch
- Promoting a Campaign Via Email
- Promoting a Campaign Via Text Message
- Promoting a Campaign Via QR Code / Custom Link
- Choosing Your Audience
- Scheduling the Campaign
- Campaign Best Practices
- Related Topics
Creating a Referral Campaign From Scratch
Begin by clicking 'Launch Referrals' in your Hireology account.
In the Referrals portal, click the 'Messages' tab.
Next, click 'Create new campaign'.
Click ‘Start from scratch’. Note: If you use a template, the default delivery method will be via email and you will not be able to choose a different option.
Choose how you would like to promote your campaign.
Promoting a Campaign Via Email
To send a campaign via email, click the Email option, then click 'Next'.
Customize the content of the email in the right section of the page. You can give the campaign a name, choose the subject of the email, and customize the email message. Click 'Add Dynamic Fields' to choose from the available fields.
Next, configure the Button link. You can choose General Referral, Job List, Custom Link, or None.
General Referral
When selecting General Referral, you can choose which jobs, if any, are shown in the body of the email. From the 'Jobs On Message' menu, choose None, Specific Jobs, or Most Recent Jobs. If you choose 'None', no jobs will show in the email message but jobs will be displayed after the recipient clicks the 'Refer Here' button.
If you choose 'Specific Jobs', you can begin typing the job title and click on it when it appears.
Finally, if you choose 'Most Recent Jobs' you can select a Job List and the number of most recent jobs you would like to display, up to 10.
Job List
When selecting Job List, you can also choose None, Specific Jobs, or Recent Jobs for Jobs On Message.
Custom Link
The Custom Link option is great for campaigns that may not be specifically related to referrals. For example, if you would like to send out a message asking employees to leave you a company review on Glassdoor, you could input the URL for your Glassdoor company page. You can still choose whether or not to include jobs for referrals in the email by choosing None, Specific Jobs, or Recent Jobs for Jobs On Message.
If you choose None, the 'Refer Here' button will not appear in your email message but you can choose None, Specific Jobs, or Recent Jobs for Jobs On Message.
Promoting a Campaign Via Text Message
To send a campaign via text, click the Text Message option, then click 'Next'.
Customize the content of the message in the right section of the page. Click 'Add Dynamic Fields' to choose from the available fields.
For the CTA Link, you can choose General Referral, Custom Link, or Job List. Single Job will be grayed out but you can activate that option by choosing General referral, then clicking '+Add a Job to Message'. Begin typing the job title into the field, then select the position you'd like to include when it appears.
The CTA Link will change to Single Job. To switch back to General Referral, hover over the selected job and click the 'X'.
Promoting a Campaign Via QR Code / Custom Link
To send a campaign via QR code or custom link, click that option, then click 'Next'.
Give the link a name. You can also enter a URL tag if you'd like. The URL tag should not be a full URL. For the Button Link choose General Referral, Custom Link, or Job List. You can add a description if you'd like, then click 'Create'.
Note: When using a Custom URL for the Button link, it is important that the full URL is entered only in the Custom Link field, not the URL Tag field. The URL Tag should not be a full URL.
After the link has been created it will appear in the 'Links' section in the Messages tab. Click the ellipses menu and select 'Download QR code' or 'Copy to Clipboard'.
You can then copy/paste the QR code or URL to share it! Click here to learn how to get more out of your QR codes.
Choosing Your Audience
Regardless of delivery method, the next step is to choose your Audience. The audience Type will default to Employees. You can also filter by Employee status and/or a Employee List you've created.
Scheduling the Campaign
The last step is to set the campaign schedule. You can choose either 'One-time' or 'Onboarding' as the Type. Onboarding campaign messages are sent a set number of days after someone is added to the system. You can also schedule a specific date/time for the campaign to begin, or save it as a draft to complete later!
Click 'Schedule Message'. You will see a confirmation that your campaign is scheduled and the date/time it will begin, as well as the option to go back and make changes if needed.
Campaign Best Practices
For best results in using Hireology referrals and campaigns, we recommend the following best practices:
- Schedule monthly custom campaigns: Thinking ahead and investing time to build campaigns keeps you ahead of the curve and allows referrals to come in at a steady, manageable flow. These campaigns also keeps your program top of mind with internal teams.
- Offer a clear call to action: Be specific when asking employees to refer someone in their network. For example: "Looking for extra cash for the holidays?" or "Know a college student home for the summer and looking for extra cash". These specific, timely asks will resonate more with current employees.
- Keep is short and sweet: Messages do not have to be overly detailed or “wordy.” A short message is effective.
- Timing is critical: We have found that Monday is the best day to send campaigns & earlier in the day (9am) is the best time.
- Target difficult roles: Highlight hard to fill roles by including a "job list" in your campaign.
- Encourage employee to share personal links: “Include Share Links” option will allow employees to share out their personal links to social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn to drive more referrals.
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